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Accepted Jailbreak JB_Miami suggestion


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
May 14, 2020
Username: Real Darkness Owl

Which map is the suggestion about? JB_Miami

What gamemode is this map for? Jailbreak

What is supposed to happen to the map? Add

Add a link to the map https://gamebanana.com/mods/447353

Why do you want this map change? New Jailbreak map! Creator - @Unicake2

A Sequel to Jb_District_Remake.

1989, Miami.

The Police Department has been called for brutal murders
that have occurred in a Motel in Mainland, Beach-side street.
Evacuating the area and setting up an armory in a small shop
opposite to the Motel, they force the criminals to perform
death games for their own amusement.

This map have vscript of money and an awesome minigames!


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2019

Jb_Miami is here.

Today is exactly 1 year since District Remake came out.
Ever since the release and heavy updating of it, the sequel has been brewing behind the scenes. Today Jb_Miami has gone gold and is now released publicly.

Complete with:
  • A massive highly detailed new map to explore
  • A brand new Money System never before seen in Jailbreak
  • Custom Weapons
  • Brand new Minigames
  • Vscript improvements to older features
  • Original Soundtrack
  • & More!

Let's have a look at some of the new features...


The Money System


Miami introduces a new depth to Jailbreak gameplay, The Money System.
Every individual player has their own bank balance, just like MVM.

How do the teams earn money?
The Reds earn money by doing rebel centered things like breaking vending machines, safes, registers, robbing jewelry stores, picking up money piles scattered around the map among other things.
The Blues earn money by every Red death in a minigame. All Minigames pay out varying amounts of money per 1 Red death, Blues should refer to the Minigame payouts board in armory to see which minigames pay out best.
Both teams players also get bonuses for killing. Blue death rewards way more than a Red death.
On death, players drop 80% of their money for pickup, saving 20% for the next round.


The Vendors


You may be asking "Well what do you use the money for?"
Blues upon spawning may immediately notice that their Vendor is inside the Armory.
The Blue Vendor offers such things as...
  • Armory Breakable Upgrade
  • The Police Car
  • Legendary Support Weapons to help the Blues.
  • & More...
The Reds can find a Gun Store, a Miami Gang, and more, to trade with...
All of them offer different things at varying prices, such as...

  • A Sentry Car
  • Body Armor
  • Keycards to unlock Jewelry stores
  • & More...
Obviously I can't spoil everything you can buy, that's for you to discover.


Custom Weapons

The Vscript update has been a blessing to mappers, and has allowed us to add really crazy things, custom weapons probably being the craziest.
Miami features "Legendary Weapons" which are very expensive purchasable weapons that provide the player with great power.
To name a few:

  • The Vice Killer's Mac-10, which provides the user with high mobility and a great mag size
  • The F Engie's Spas-12, a high damage, high fire rate shotgun only purchasable from the Gun Store for Reds
  • The Big Iron, a low damage utility revolver, which has insane knockback, allowing the player to "revolver jump", available for both teams
  • & More...
Oh yeah and also, just a little thing, all the custom weapons are accessible by all classes.


Brand New Minigames

Just like District, Miami features brand new and reworked old minigames.
Do you want to race around the whole map, or do you want to duel 1v1 with forklifts, or do you maybe want to kill all your teammates with a chainsaw?
Miami features minigames missing from District, such as Awp Dodge (Reworked to Gun Dodge), Disco, Deathrun & more!


A few Vscript improvements

Utilising Vscript, some old features have been improved, such as...
Prop Hunt properly hiding every player's cosmetics and returning them on death
When getting out of vehicles, a check is run to see if the left and right side are blocked, and teleporting you accordingly like in GTA.
Map Tips have been implemented that display a random tip around the map to all players in chat.
!bankbalance command, which allows you to check your bank balance silently.








Face Melting
Jul 2, 2018
The map contains death crate, easily a 10/10 map
While district remake was a good map, it never had what was required to be one of the top maps of all time. With this map I feel unicake has finally broken that barrier by including new and unique minigames, like death crate.
The map can easily compete for the top spot along with other maps like spy vs spy and oranger, overall just can't wait to see what else unicake will bring to this map (hopefully a second death crate)!


Scarcely Lethal


Oct 12, 2017
A description of the code is provided below.
The files are also provided as a download for review.
It is just under 2000 lines of code, which is about the size of a Suckless program.

Bank functions (188 Lines of Code)
  • PrintMapMessage // Prints to player
  • PrintBankMessage // Prints to player
  • PrintStartBankMessage1 // Prints to player
  • PrintStartBankMessage2 // Prints to player
  • PrintStartBankMessage3 // Prints to player
  • MapTip // Prints to player
  • PayBlues // Gives BLUs money, generic
  • PayReds // Gives REDs money, generic
  • PoliceRadioWelcomeMessage // Prints to player, plays a sound
  • PoliceRadioMessage // Prints to player, plays a sound

Gamble functions (145 Lines of Code)
  • Gamble // Removes or adds money, prints to player
  • RollDrug // Prints to player, applies effects

Moneycheck functions (725 Lines of Code)
  • GiveSmallAmmo // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • GiveSmallAmmoGang // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • GiveMediumAmmo // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • GiveMediumAmmoGang // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • GiveBigAmmo // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • GiveBigAmmoGang // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • GiveArmor // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • GiveArmorBlue // BLU filtered, checks money, prints to player
  • TipHomeless // Removes player's money, prints to player, gives drug
  • GiveTreatment // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player, applies health effect
  • GiveKeycard // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player, unlocks map area
  • JewelryCheck // Checks for keycard
  • GiveSentryCar // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player, spawns car
  • GiveMac // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player, gives custom gun
  • GiveThumper // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player, gives custom gun
  • GiveDeagle // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player, gives custom gun
  • GiveLemat // RED filtered, checks money, prints to player, gives custom gun
  • GiveLematBlue // BLU filtered, checks money, prints to player, gives custom gun
  • GiveRadio // BLU filtered, checks money, prints to player, gives custom radio
  • GivePoliceCar // BLU filtered, checks money, prints to player, spawns car
  • GiveGunstoreRaid // BLU filtered, checks money, prints to player, closes map area
  • GiveBreakable // BLU filtered, checks money, prints to player, blocks armory
  • TaxiTravel // Checks money, prints to player, teleports player
  • ChainsawEnd // Removes chainsaw killer cosmetics
  • GiveChainsaw // Gives player cosmetics, custom chainsaw

Playerkill functions (149 Lines of Code)
  • OnGameEvent_player_death // Drops money on death, prints to player, pays BLUs for RED deaths, pays REDs for BLU deaths
  • ChainsawRedCheck // Prints number of REDs in chainsaw minigame
  • OnScriptHook_OnTakeDamage // Checks chainsaw killer's team and name

Prophunt_test functions (291 Lines of Code)
  • AreGuardsInPropHunt // BLU filtered, affects ability to start prophunt
  • GuardSpeedBoost // BLU speed boost
  • PropHuntTest // Hides cosmetics, changes playermodel to props, sets to thirdperson
  • ToggleRotations // Toggles prop rotations
  • PropHuntEnd // Redraws cosmetics, resets playermodels
  • PropHuntBlueTele // BLU filtered, teleports back to hardcoded X Y Z coordinate
  • OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_start // Roundstart, disables radio, runs BluePlayerCheck (below), disables friendly fire
  • BluePlayerCheck // Checks BLU count, gives money bonus for low counts
  • OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_win // Deactivates all game_ui across the map
  • OnGameEvent_player_spawn // Resets player variables, replaces BLU sniper rifles with deagles
  • OnGameEvent_player_say //*** Grabs player's ID as a local variable. Used for printing the player's own cash amount using "!bankbalance". Local variables are inaccesible beyond the scope of their function.
  • OnGameEvent_player_death //*** Grabs player's ID as a local variable. Used to reset playermodels after prophunt, reenable ability to attack, disable thirdperson, and redraw cosmetics. Local variables are inaccesible beyond the scope of their function.

Pufferround functions (78 Lines of Code)
  • PufferRound // Sets playermodels to pufferfish, hides player cosmetics
  • UnPuffer // Resets playermodels, redraws cosmetics
  • OnGameEvent_player_death //*** Grabs player's ID as a local variable. Used to reset playermodels and redraws cosmetics. Local variables are inaccesible beyond the scope of their function.

Raceplace functions (91 Lines of Code)
  • CheckPlace // Shows which driver is in 1st place
  • RaceStop // Disables race cars
  • CheckWinner // Displays who got 1st, kills losers

Sentrycarstart functions (83 Lines of Code)
  • SentryCarStart // Sets car heath, creates overlay on HUD, creates car healthbar
  • OnTakeDamage // Updates a healthbar generically
  • UpdateHealth // Updates car healthbar
  • SentryCarKill // Sets healthbar to 0, disables HUD overlay

Tracehull functions (143 Lines of Code)
  • TraceCarHull // Grabs copcar origins, sets teleport coordinates for exiting
  • TraceSentryCarHull // Grabs sentrycar origins, sets teleport coordinates for exiting
  • TraceKillerHull // Grabs chainsaw killer coordinates, teleports to hardcoded X Y Z coordinates if stuck

Van_money functions (22 Lines of Code)
  • VanDropsMoney // Spawns RED filtered money at van's origin, gives players money on pickup

Custom_weapons (Relevant functions below. Most code is unmodified from the TF2Maps download)
  • CW_Stats_Example_Vice_Killer
  • CW_Stats_Example_FEngie
  • CW_Stats_Example_Deagle
  • CW_Stats_Example_Lemat
  • CW_Stats_Example_Chainsaw


  • jb_miami_scripts.zip
    57.8 KB · Views: 77


Mildly Menacing


Apr 13, 2018
I'm excited to try out another one of your amazing maps Unicake! I just want to say that I absolutely fell in love with the first district the moment I saw it, it actually looked and felt like an actual tf2 map (instead of a map put into tf2). and since I adore tf2's art style, I thus adored your map. (And if you ever decide to make another tf2 map using vscript again, could you remake/make a sequel to cryptoforest? It's such an amazing and unique concept that really feels like tf2's lost singleplayer/2nd co-op mode, And I love it so much because of that.) I can't wait till I get some free time to try it out!
Last edited:


Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2019
I'm excited to try out another one of your amazing maps Unicake! I just want to say that I absolutely fell in love with the first district the moment I saw it, it actually looked and felt like an actual tf2 map (instead of a map put into tf2). and since I adore tf2's art style, I thus adored your map. (And if you ever decide to make another tf2 map using vscript again, could you remake/make a sequel to cryptoforest? It's such an amazing and unique concept that really feels like tf2's lost singleplayer/2nd co-op mode, And I love it so much because of that.) I can't wait till I get some free time to try it out!
There was another ambitious singleplayer map I was working on, but then someone brought me back to playing JB, and my, at the time, recent discoveries on creating vehicles in source, made it a good time to remake district utilizing vehicles, and continue on the tradition to create a new set of maps following the trend of GTA (You could say Miami is like the Vice city to District's GTA 3). Right now, making these maps is really fun for me because it's like recreating how these real life locations would be in the TF2 canon.
There are many opportunities for a sequel of Miami to take on Las Vegas, double down on the gambling aspect, New York, to double down on map size, and implement a familar feeling and atmosphere for people who've played GTA 4, or even a rural land like Montana, to push limits of source and attempt to make a truly open world map for JB, and would give me a reason to fuck around with source to create helicopters for a JB map.
Miami was crap to work on in the beginning because it didn't feel like it was improving much from District, until vscript came out, which made it clear it will be a step up from District with all the new features. Obviously a new map would have to 1-up Miami, and right now it's hard even imagining to do that for me.
I've just finished school and life will be busy and I don't know if a new map for JB is possible but I would still want to return to that singleplayer map that was in progress, a lot of writing, designing and music is already complete for the map.


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
There was another ambitious singleplayer map I was working on
Singleplayer TF2 maps? That seems like a fun thing, didn't know they existed.

Now onto the conclusion of this thread.
I will accept this map suggestion and I truly hope that you are not dissuaded from adding maps to our server in the future, if you happen to have time to create them again.

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