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Kawaii Hikamao



Feb 25, 2018
So regarding my previous issue about admins on sg JB server has been solved but a new issue have arise. I realized with our new mods comes admins from different server, that is fine by me but they have not uphold the overall happiness of the server. Over the days with our new mod Aegeus joining our server. There has been a decline in sg players joining the server. There has also been an influx of players from outside of Asia joining the server. Worst of all, the "fun" that has been keeping the SG server together is now gone and to us SG players, we are unhappy with it. Now onto a more serious note, I have no clue on how your punishment system work but from the Admins Applications I have read through and seen, it seems that your punishment system is very strict. Just a kind note, there are new players joining everyday who do not know how jailbreak mod work. Yes they may be mic spamming and stuff, but personally I would give them a warning first before i mute them for a certain amount of time. There is no need to ban these players from the server immediately. Now regarding IP ban, I would rather admins and moderators IP Ban players who have mass freekilled or using an aimbot and not to all players. The ban on duplicate account is not a reasonable reason to ban a player if they have made an honest mistake. Lastly the calladmin command in my opinion should be removed all together. This would not only stop people from abusing the command, but also prevent players from being falsely ban (which many players from Singapore have been falsely banned).

This next paragraph is me trying to removed all the rumours around Singapore Jailbreak server. We understand that we are a "wild" server in which players would not expect what would happen. This however does not mean we are toxic, if you have played with us for a long time you will soon realize that we are not toxic at all. We are just players trying to have fun. The large amount of donors on the server will punish a severe rulebreaker, who destroys the fun in the server without any delay. However we allow some minor rules to be broken just to have fun and make the bigger population of the server laugh. Even though some of our jokes are seen as toxic, I assure you those are just jokes. When there are players overtalking the warden despite repeated warnings, we would punish them. However when no warnings are given, we would not punish the player. Again, this is to ensure that all players are on the same page regardless of regulars or new players. So moderator, admins, and the "new" players joining our family in SG Jailbreak, I beg you please not to take the fun away from the server. We are not toxic, we just have a very weird sense of humour.


Rage Inducing


Jul 8, 2018
Strap yourselves in boys
Before I start, I want to say that you constantly saying "we" as if you're representing the whole of SG jailbreak is plain ignorant. Not everyone there consistently breaks rules and spew out toxicity. Not everyone does what you say you do, hell the majority don't do what you say.

but they have not uphold the overall happiness of the server
If the "Happiness" of the server directly conflicts with the rules and standards set by blackwonder then its not really a good thing.

Over the days with our new mod Aegeus joining our server. There has been a decline in sg players joining the server.
Are you trying to connect the decrease in player numbers with Aegeus being a moderator...
He's doing a great job upholding the rules and any regular on sg jailbreak will agree with me.

There has also been an influx of players from outside of Asia joining the server.
This is because of the fact that any server besides LA and SG are ghost towns, with zero players. This forces people to join SG jailbreak servers, that or join wonderland/ wonder.tf servers.

Worst of all, the "fun" that has been keeping the SG server together is now gone and to us SG players, we are unhappy with it.
What "fun" was lost. The constant freekills? The spike in racism and toxicity towards others? The number of people that didn't have a microphone on blue? The constant rule breaking that sees members like "Supreme" and other make multiple reports daily.
This is just you being unhappy that SG jailbreak servers are finally being moderated for once (No offense Mark I love you but we need way more people than just you)

I have no clue on how your punishment system work but from the Admins Applications I have read through and seen, it seems that your punishment system is very strict.
Or maybe you shouldn't consistently break the rules, the system is fair. It gives players a warning then a needed punishment to make sure they won't break the rules again.

. Just a kind note, there are new players joining everyday who do not know how jailbreak mod work. Yes they may be mic spamming and stuff, but personally I would give them a warning first before i mute them for a certain amount of time.
If they are new players they should be introduced to the rules. If they "mic spam and stuff" then they definitely know right from wrong, its common sense to not hop on a community server and mic spam. 99 percent of people that do this are just people that want to mess around and (attempt to) raid the server. Its common sense, they don't need a warning.

Now regarding IP ban, I would rather admins and moderators IP Ban players who have mass freekilled or using an aimbot and not to all players. The ban on duplicate account is not a reasonable reason to ban a player if they have made an honest mistake.
When you are punished, you should take the punishment. Not trying to avoid it with dupes/ alts. If they did make an honest mistake they can try appealing, which is the better thing to do than just go on a server with an alt. You're just going to dig yourself a deeper hole.

Lastly the calladmin command in my opinion should be removed all together. This would not only stop people from abusing the command, but also prevent players from being falsely ban (which many players from Singapore have been falsely banned).
Call admin notifies someone to hop on a server and assist players. Abuse is a common thing but that isnt a valid point. Any system of notifying admins will be abused. Players are rarely falsely banned, but if they are, you could just make an appeal. False bans happen in every community server.

We understand that we are a "wild" server in which players would not expect what would happen
You mean SG jailbreak is one of the least moderated servers and is filled to the brim with rulebreakers and pre-pubescent teens who learned racial slurs for the first time. "Not expecting to happen" means rulebreaking. Feel free to correct me.

This however does not mean we are toxic, if you have played with us for a long time you will soon realize that we are not toxic at all. We are just players trying to have fun.
SG jailbreak has plenty of rulebreakers (I promise i won't say that again), this is clearly evident with the reports made. Every player tries to have fun, thing is you shouldn't break the rules while doing so.

The large amount of donors on the server will punish a severe rulebreaker, who destroys the fun in the server without any delay.
Donors aren't admins and have no obligation to use their powers. Most donors are power hungry bafoons that aren't qualified to be an admin.
When they're not admins they can't punish rule breakers efficiently, there is a reason why there are donors and not admins. They can't manage the server efficiently, it is a GOOD thing that more admins are coming on SG jailbreak.

However we allow some minor rules to be broken just to have fun and make the bigger population of the server laugh. Even though some of our jokes are seen as toxic, I assure you those are just jokes.
You shouldn't break a rule to have fun or make the population of the server laugh for shits and giggles. You do this and say that they are just jokes and nothing more, which is in its own way gives a very toxic impression, don't you think.

. When there are players overtalking the warden despite repeated warnings, we would punish them.
This comes across as you saying that people on SG jailbreak can successfully moderate themselves without the need of an admin. Which is just stupidly stupid. YOU can't punish them efficiently because you are not an admin, no donors don't count.

Again, this is to ensure that all players are on the same page regardless of regulars or new players
This makes zero sense.

So moderator, admins, and the "new" players joining our family in SG Jailbreak, I beg you please not to take the fun away from the server. We are not toxic, we just have a very weird sense of humour.
"Hey, Aegeus you fat fuck stop enforcing rules in the sg jailbreak server if you do you just hate fun! Fun police!!!"
The behavior present in SG jailbreak isn't weird humor. It's plain toxicity.

Realize that:
-I wasted far too much time on this
-New admins and moderators won't kill the fun unless the "fun" is rule breaking.
-It is a good thing that more people are getting moderator/ admin and assisting SG jailbreak I mean I wouldn't mind applying but that recent discord ban and other bans have killed my attempt and put that application on standby.
-You should appreciate them. Admins are usually looked down upon but we gotta appreciate them for their commitment to making the servers a better place to be in. Surely you can understand that.

To finish off you act like SG jailbreak is the "Wild" server, when Jailbreak itself breeds the best (and mostly worst) memers and unfunny members of the community.
Jailbreak will always be fun.
Usually when there are admins online to enforce the rules.

Kawaii Hikamao



Feb 25, 2018
Just for ur info I'm not the guy who first said SG jailbreak is a "wild" server i quoted it from rainbowrob. Next point about the toxicity and racism to others, I have stated that it is like a running joke in SG. TL;DR We are not toxic, if you cant change your mindset of SG constantly being toxic, do you think any of us would have fun. Be more flexible with the rules I didnt say consistently breaking of rules. We only do that when there is a very low amt of players on the server.Lastly, due to grammer issues let me just enforce this, I am not blaming any one from taking the fun out of jb all I ask is for the admins and moderators to be more lenient towards players. About the part that doesnt make sense. If you have evidence that 100% of all players read the rules before joining a jb server, then fine your point is proven but if not how can you ensure new players are just being a dick and not wanting to read the rules? I have met players who have asked where do they read the rules. Now the part where you say " Usually when there are admins online to enforce the rules." How are you gonna explain now how SG JB have been fun for the SG playerbase without admin being there. Oh and for your info SG playerbase have moderated themselves without an admin countless times thank you very much.
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Kawaii Hikamao



Feb 25, 2018
Please respond to my other points.
someone was doing a giveaway on mic sure it counts as spam but how was the player supposed to get her point across, next she got gagged for "admin disrespect" whoch make no sense like what is disrespecting to an admin? calladmin is used to notify admins to the server.. dont see that happening much and btw appeal would not work 100 percent so whag happens if there is a misunderstanding? like guard overtalking warden and being a fake warden yea if ur evidence of sg being filled with rulebreakers is the reports made then how many of those reports are false and made by some kid who is mad about being killed after they disobey orders. Do not make its sound like other servers do not teach kids racial slurs.. oh wait im sorry you said they were empty most of the time ok. I have stated my point with the appeal not being 100 percent accurate since there might be cases of misunderstanding.


Rage Inducing


Jul 8, 2018
someone was doing a giveaway on mic sure it counts as spam but how was the player supposed to get her point across,
They shouldn’t be doing a giveaway in the first place so they shouldn’t get their point across.

btw appeal would not work 100 percent so whag happens if there is a misunderstanding?
Appeals will work if you’re in the right and didn’t deserve the punishment, if it was a misunderstanding you better pull your trousers up and explain.

yea if ur evidence of sg being filled with rulebreakers is the reports made then how many of those reports are false and made by some kid who is mad about being killed after they disobey orders.
If it’s an invalid report the admin will identify it, you’re acting as if they won’t.
They’re admins for a reason.

I have stated that it is like a running joke in SG
Racism is a running joke? Are you serious? That’s acceptable?

We are not toxic, if you cant change your mindset of SG constantly being toxic, do you think any of us would have fun.
Again with the “We’s” you don’t represent SG jailbreak. Any regular will tell you SG jailbreak is toxic

Be more flexible with the rules
They’re not really rules if you can bend them.

I am not blaming any one from taking the fun out of jb
You literally said
“Over the days with our new mod Aegeus joining our server. There has been a decline in sg players joining the server... Worst of all, the "fun" that has been keeping the SG server together is now gone and to us SG players, we are unhappy with it”
It seems like you blame the events on Aegeus.

all I ask is for the admins and moderators to be more lenient towards players.
Well they give warnings beforehand, the punishments are a good balance. The admins are fine the way they are.
Judging by your approach, by defending racism and saying it’s okay to break rules with little amount of players that view doesn’t really hold any weight.

but if not how can you ensure new players are just being a dick and not wanting to read the rules? I have met players who have asked where do they read the rules.
You gave the example of mic spam, which new players wouldn’t do because they would be new players, it’s common sense not to mic spam. That’s why I responded that way.
Not all players but definitely a majority of new players will not be willing to read the rules, consider the fact that they’ll be new and clueless they won’t be thinking about rules.

How are you gonna explain now how SG JB have been fun for the SG playerbase without admin being there. Oh and for your info SG playerbase have moderated themselves without an admin countless times thank you very much.
Just because it’s fun doesn’t mean it’s right, neither does the majority say it’s right. There have been plenty times of the minority being right, you had fun while breaking rules. Severe ones. Rules should be followed, simple as.
Without following these rules you’re creating the toxic nature SG jailbreak is infamous for,the worst part is it’s the most active server meaning blackwonder players have to play on it.
I speak for the majority of SG jailbreak when I say that when an admin comes on it’s the best thing ever. Rounds are always guaranteed to run smoothly and be a blast.
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Kawaii Hikamao



Feb 25, 2018
so are the regulars from sg servers? Being flexible about rules does not mean bending it in a way ur allowed to break it. If someone is doing a giveaway and they have to talk on mic to get their pt across? Lastly, yes rasicm is a running joke due to the past, like i said there were literally no admins in the past coming to sg and players were getting banned from forums without a clue all from a demo which btw, had a misunderstanding in the past. If admins warnings are like "hey i wont ban you now but if lets see what you do next round" which is actually in their head does tht count as a warning actually? oh and the part where other servers are empty so your telling me the amt of people joining us with a high ping is normal and they would not rather join a server with a lower ping?


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
We aren’t changing the rules because you don’t like them and it makes you feel like you aren’t having fun. Should I ban you since you are telling me that you do break rules for fun and encourage others to do so?

Kawaii Hikamao



Feb 25, 2018
not asking you to change the rules just asking for the punishmeny system to be more lenient and for ppl who dont play sg jb often to change their mindset about sg being toxic. Jim you should know that very well since you have been declining sg admin applicants for them either being toxic or is too lenient. You can ban me for all I care since im not coming back anymore. Im only saying this to open up youe eyes to try and understand us better. Rainbowrob have told me your not biased towards us but I still strongly believe you are. For all I know jim you have only been to the server once in which the players that are regulars on the server has stated your biased against us and your mean. Here is a thought, if you want us to stop being racist to you guys, how about you guys stop trying to give us the image that you are racist to us. Frankly thats all ive seen. Oh and for your info i have never asked any of you admins or mods to change the rules.All I have said is to be more lenient.


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
There has been a decline in sg players joining the server. There has also been an influx of players from outside of Asia joining the server. Worst of all, the "fun" that has been keeping the SG server together is now gone and to us SG players, we are unhappy with it.
It was a full server yesterday and there were 20+ members today late at night for them. You clearly made this up.
someone was doing a giveaway on mic sure it counts as spam but how was the player supposed to get her point across, next she got gagged for "admin disrespect" whoch make no sense like what is disrespecting to an admin?
someone was doing a giveaway on mic sure it counts as spam but how was the player supposed to get her point across, next she got gagged for "admin disrespect" whoch make no sense like what is disrespecting to an admin? calladmin is used to notify admins to the server.. dont see that happening much and btw appeal would not work 100 percent so whag happens if there is a misunderstanding?
Okay, now this is plain ignorance. You do not assume a situation that you were never there for. The user you speak of was NOT doing a giveaway during the time and neither should it EVER be a reason to break the rules, they were intentionally singing and thus mic-spamming. They were also calling the admin racial slurs multiple times afterwards and then directly insulting them in chat, that is literally the most concrete definition of disrespect.
if you want us to stop being racist to you guys, how about you guys stop trying to give us the image that you are racist to us.
The issue here is misinterpretation. I don't believe anyone had GENERALLY BELIEVED that SGJB was toxic and nobody will ever have that thought because they know it's stupid to assume everyone is toxic just because a certain group of rulebreaking regulars are. You, however, are not sustaining and maintaining the 'We are Fun and not Toxic' image by openly admitting that you are 'racist' towards us just because you THOUGHT one person was biased towards you.
Jim you should know that very well since you have been declining sg admin applicants for them either being toxic or is too lenient. You can ban me for all I care since im not coming back anymore. Im only saying this to open up youe eyes to try and understand us better.
You would rather have admins treat other players badly? That's what you're telling me because you think that it's unjust that someone should be declined because they kept saying the n-word because they thought it was cool and edgy.
"hey i wont ban you now but if lets see what you do next round" which is actually in their head does tht count count as a warning actually?
If someone were to break the rules twice despite this 'minority' that you deem 'un-fun' telling them to stop, it simply means they are intentionally breaking the rules indirectly telling everyone during that situation that the rulebreaker is VERY self-aware that they will be punished at any moment. Or they are new to the gamemode, in which they could attempt to make an appeal in the Forums, not that difficult especially when they are sincere.

You might have said all this because you did something obnoxious, experienced the consequences and then assumed that's how it will always be whenever an admin/moderator joins.
tldr Don't assume everyone agrees with you, let alone speaking for everyone.
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Deleted member 2049

This next paragraph is me trying to removed all the rumours around Singapore Jailbreak server.
I don't understand what this means, if you're believing rumors (kind of how players believe what other players are telling them about rules) then it sounds bad already
This however does not mean we are toxic, if you have played with us for a long time you will soon realize that we are not toxic at all.
However we allow some minor rules to be broken just to have fun
Nope nope, not allowed. Nothing wrong with fun but if you have to break rules just to have some then you shouldn't be allowed to play
Again, this is to ensure that all players are on the same page regardless of regulars or new players. So moderator, admins, and the "new" players joining our family in SG Jailbreak, I beg you please not to take the fun away from the server. We are not toxic, we just have a very weird sense of humour.
Staff's job isn't to take away fun (or at least not your bad definition of it) it's to make sure the servers stay stable
Be more flexible with the rules I didnt say consistently breaking of rules.
Sure sounds like it, you already stated you like to break some rules to have fun
I am not blaming any one from taking the fun out of jb
*cough cough* "Over the days with our new mod Aegeus joining our server. There has been a decline in sg players joining the server." *cough cough*
If you have evidence that 100% of all players read the rules before joining a jb server
No one ever said that all players have read the rules, which clearly many haven't. Players are just expected to read them, which it would be their fault if they get punished for something they didn't read.

In conclusion, this is just another thread from a random complaining how the servers are ran.


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
not asking you to change the rules just asking for the punishmeny system to be more lenient and for ppl who dont play sg jb often to change their mindset about sg being toxic. Jim you should know that very well since you have been declining sg admin applicants for them either being toxic or is too lenient. You can ban me for all I care since im not coming back anymore. Im only saying this to open up youe eyes to try and understand us better. Rainbowrob have told me your not biased towards us but I still strongly believe you are. For all I know jim you have only been to the server once in which the players that are regulars on the server has stated your biased against us and your mean. Here is a thought, if you want us to stop being racist to you guys, how about you guys stop trying to give us the image that you are racist to us. Frankly thats all ive seen. Oh and for your info i have never asked any of you admins or mods to change the rules.All I have said is to be more lenient.
I fail to see how when "your people" use racist profanity, it's racist of me to point it out because its always "your people" doing it.


Wicked Nasty


Sep 24, 2018
I find it funny how you are trying to say that sg jb is fun, Its always full of mic spam, over talkers, mic spammers, free killers, vote dodgers, ammo glitchers

I'm not blaming the admins as most of them get up to 250+ ping when they join, the people from outside Asia don't
join sg cause its a constant shit show full of racism and exploiters when an admin isn't online


Apr 10, 2018
This post is the biggest shitpost I’ve seen since raiden was raiding the forums, can some admin lock this alerady?
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