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How to get the SteamID of a player from a Demo


Jun 3, 2017
BEFORE YOU COMMENT: Typing "status" in console during demo playback NO LONGER SHOWS STEAMID's (or any info of the game). That's why I'm making this guide.

UPDATE: Replayer is incredibly outdated and is known for not working on Windows 10 systems. Use Demor instead if Replayer doesn't work for you, it works in the exact same fashion.

  1. Convert the demo to a replay as shown in this tutorial (tutorial on how to convert starts at 1:46). Note: you have to have at least one normal replay recorded before doing this, otherwise it won't work.
  2. Go into the replay of the converted demo.
  3. Skip to the tick in which the rule breaker was still on the server by going into demoui or typing "demo_gototick [number]" in console.
  4. Type "tf_scoreboard_mouse_mode 1" in console so that you can inspect players in the scoreboard. You can revert it back to default later, but it's neccesary for this to work (I'd recomend keeping it on at all times as it's useful as heck and it's easier to do everything without typing "status" in console).
  5. Play the replay, and press TAB to view the score board.
  6. Right-click the person's name on the scoreboard, and click "View profile"

A window of their profile should pop up in the in-game browser.
From there just copy their profile link, go to steamid.io and get their steamID there.
Thank me later. Now you can finish the reports of the MFKers that killed everyone and left instantly after doing that :)

If you have any questions/problems, feel free to ask!
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Jun 3, 2017
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Jan 15, 2017
While recording, go to friends then playing with and it shows the whole server including private accounts so I just refresh every round. They can't change their name because it only kicks in if I refresh the page so it is much more simple than the steps shown.

Deleted member 2966

2 problems with it.
1. The rulebreaker may change his aliases and profile picture which will make his profile impossible to find (or will take a VERY long time)
2. This feature isn't very reliable, it doesn't always record all of the players. It's really a 40% chance of getting the players saved on that list.
Steam client doesnt show all of the people. Steam browser does.


Spectacularly Lethal
Sep 2, 2017
I also want to add this I don’t know if meny people realize this but when you first record your demo open console type status. When the rule breaker runs away and your game crashes it saves the ids


Jun 3, 2017
Now you can finish the reports of the MFKers that killed everyone and left instantly after doing that :)
This trick is for getting SteamID's of people that leave right after rulebreaking. When people leave you can't get their SteamID from "status". Most of the time people join after the demo starts recording...

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