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tf2 related

  1. RedCircleGuy

    Declined suggestion for SZF:

    remove scout entirley. its where all the trolls and stallers get their power. its because he double jumps and is too fast to easily hit for most players (not to mention he can triple jump with force a nature), removing him would make the game more fun
  2. hoovyonthebass

    Closed petition to make fun of vantage.tf

    in all seriousness their hightower has capping and when blw hightower was down it was the only hightower avaliable, and the rocket jumper was able to do damage because the owner presumably was getting owned by a trolldier their servers are also unstable and their rtd system is stupid, only one...
  3. RealSkullzerpai

    Resolved Can't see sprays in class wars

    For some reason, I can't see any of the sprays people are putting up in the server. I already checked to see if cl_playerspraydisable was set to 0 which it is. Anyone know why I can't see the sprays?
  4. Aby

    Answered Permanent Bann For Wallhacking

    I was banned for wallhacking? LOL, your admins are a f*cking joke. I'm not a cheater. Also my friend was banned for spectating, is this a joke?
  5. susbicious

    Declined Ban Appeal

    I was round at my friends and he was really intoxicated at the time I lent him my laptop and he downloaded lmaobox on a new account and started hacking on random servers.. he got me banned here and on bunnyco, I am in no way not admitting to these actions which I did partake in and it's my...
  6. wackydog


    So basically HL MIXES + MORE are holding a prolander cup on 6th April maybe you could let them use your servers or something I dunno? there discord server ( https://discord.gg/3REzjU9 )
  7. ana.

    What was the most lucky thing that ever happened to you in-game?

    Could be you unboxing a god tier unusual, airblast-headshotting someone with the huntsman by accident, or maybe accidentally killing an invisible spy. Really curious about what you guys have to say. :whistle:
  8. SplashyKnave1

    I wish the caber never got nerfed.

    Does anyone else wish the caber was never nerfed?
  9. I can't spray

    TF2 - Classy ways of the Spy (Guide)

    Introduction You want to main spy? This guide will help you to main spy, the guide will be shown on this list : Weapons, Strategies, Beginnings ,and some tips part of the guide. Beginning of a spy As you know you just downloaded tf2 and ready to fulfill you're life in a fps shooter! You joined...
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