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  1. BB5K

    Resolved Bad Bug on vsh_skyhigh_resort_b8 (ip:

    As an engineer one can build ontop of the hot air balloon. So what you do is you go ontop of the big pylon (by going through the snowman that teleports you up there). After this you wait for the hot air balloon to come to you and jump ontop of it. You can then build on it (the ideal strategy...
  2. Shadow Mario | blw.tf

    Completed AFK Kicker on VSH/FF2 Servers

    That's the 5th time i see an AFK player on one of BlackWonder servers, i was playing VSH and a player (which i don't want to mention the name) was AFK without being kicked, probably farming credits, i really want this server to have an AFK Kicker, Hales always kills the players before, so they...
  3. Toli

    Resolved VSH missing maps

    So, after reading the main thread about this problem, i decided to report the problem i have with the all the maps. When i go to the x10 versus saxton hale server only 2 maps are working(i can't remember the names of them). When the server changes the map i get the "missing map ..." error. I...
  4. 2010wolf | Blw.tf

    Read Me Saxton Hale Rules - IN DEPTH Details

    I'd like the admins to read this thread and suggest some changes if they thought of any, and tell us what they disagree about. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Since benedover deleted some thread that i wrote a whole lots of shit in about vsh rules, not knowing that i had some shit there, it doesn't matter...
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