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  1. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against the pootis man

    Player has been punished, thank you!
  2. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against me no have gorgon :(

    There's no demos on this report either.
  3. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against Bird =)

    Player has already been punished, thank you!
  4. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against Akared4

    There's no demo attached.
  5. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against Kyle

    Player has been punished, thank you!
  6. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against sweet parade

    You were able to record him doing this on the demo on this report as well, so just linking it for reference. :giggle: The player has been punished now, thank you!
  7. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against urnimtoric (= and xd Layo YT

    Both players have been punished, thank you!
  8. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against Guaxinim Real and ✯ ✪ Treze

    Both players have been punished, thank you!
  9. Dell

    Resolved (BRJB) Report against ¤《A̶r̶t̶h̶u̶r̶》¤

    Player has been punished, thank you!
  10. Dell

    Resolved (LAJB) Report against MrGl!t6h

    Team banned for 1 week. Thanks for the report!
  11. Dell

    Resolved (LAJB) Report against carnage2000

    Not sure if it's just me, but a few player models (including carnage) kept vanishing a ton. But, I could still tell what was going on. This person also has a ton of priors so: Player will be team banned for 2 weeks, thank you!
  12. Dell

    Resolved Engie 101 JBLA

    Player will be permanently team banned until he fixes his microphone issues. Thanks.
  13. Dell

    Resolved (AUSJB) Report against dyl and Some Opinions

    dyl has been gagged for 1 day and Some has been teambanned for 1 week due to priors. Thanks for the report <3
  14. Dell

    Resolved (AUSJB) Report against CLIVE PALM HER FACE!

    Lots to unpack here, but you got quite a few things here! 1) Yes, the demo crashes about 30 seconds in but you did capture the micspam/racism. This is also his first offense on our servers from what I can tell, so the player will be muted for 2 days. 2) In the second demo, mosque_fan1991...
  15. Dell

    Answered question about blu side minigames

    The BLU sign is meant to tell the Blu team where the buttons for minigames are. It's considered a hallway to get around the map in since it is not a dead-end Blu control room. This issue seems to keep popping up though.
  16. Dell

    Resolved (LAJB) Report against Brock Samson Tight Booty Cheeks

    Banned for 2 days. Thanks for the report.
  17. Dell

    Resolved (LAJB) Report against Brock Samson Tight Booty Cheeks

    Oh ok, yeah I hear the demo sticky jumping around the map. Sorry, when you said "exploiting" I wasn't sure what you were referring to was all. Let me re-watch the demo completely then I'll respond.
  18. Dell

    Resolved (LAJB) Report against Brock Samson Tight Booty Cheeks

    Are you sure that is the right demo? I've watched it twice and didn't even see Brock most of the demo besides some talking in the beginning and then when he spoke near the end and left. What was he exploiting?
  19. Dell

    Declined 10 FPS GeamR's Ban appeal

    Well.. I looked up the bans linked to that SteamID and found no bans. I used your profile ID and looked up the correct SteamID (STEAM_0:0:234224946) and found you only had a 30min and a 1hr ban which have both expired as of me posting this. (pardon the mobile screenshot, looked into this while...
  20. Dell

    Declined Report against Acer nitro 7000 gaming laptop

    I reviewed it as well. The incident in question takes place just after tick 113000. From your point of view, the RED Pyro was indeed moving and rebelling before a repeat was even mentioned or asked for. You were correct in killing him. But from the point of view of the rest of the game, it came...
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