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Recent content by RedCircleGuy

  1. RedCircleGuy

    Declined Report against Prisoner of War (Super Zombie Fortress)

    i coulda sworn i added the video file... imma post it onto my youtube and then send the video link here i dont think .MKV files work here
  2. RedCircleGuy

    Declined Report against Prisoner of War (Super Zombie Fortress)

    Username: RedCircleGuy Who are you reporting? Prisoner of War What server game mode is the report concerned with? Super Zombie Fortress What is the accused persons's SteamID? 76561198271942345 What is the reason of the report? Teamkilling via traps in map Any other proof you have privated...
  3. RedCircleGuy

    Declined suggestion for SZF:

    remove scout entirley. its where all the trolls and stallers get their power. its because he double jumps and is too fast to easily hit for most players (not to mention he can triple jump with force a nature), removing him would make the game more fun
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